Dr. Ioan DANILIUC - Ghid de maximafilie
Stefan NICOLAU - Posta si filatelistii botosaneni
Sergiu - Marian D. GABUREAC - Romania catalog specializat ilustrat (1903-2006) - Erori
Romania / United Principalities 1862 - 1864
Cornelius IONESCU - Philately
Spink auction, Romania, Paul Hirsch collection
CORINPHILA Auction - Classic Romania, "Cornelia" collection (part 2)
CORINPHILA Auction - Classic Romania, "Moldau" collection (part 1)
CORINPHILA Auction - Classic Romania, "Moldau" collection (part 2)
CORINPHILA Auction - Classic Romania, "Moldau" collection (part 3)
David Feldman Auction - Romania specialised
David Feldman Auction - Classic Romania
Catalogue of postage stamps of MOLDOVA
Hedy FAIBEL - Romania monetary reform 1952
Dan ANGHELESCU - The atom in Romanian philately, catalog 1947 - 1998
A to Zee - the web guide for collectors
Emanoil Alexandru SAVOIU - Military propaganda picture postal cards - propaganda forgeries
Mihai CEUCA - The King Ferdinand in IASSY (IASI), postal stationeries 1917-1918